Rabu, 18 Februari 2009


10 feet poster of me and the gang [calon DJ lelaki popular]

I lap U AL!FF~~~ jgn jeles... hehehe

Teruja dengan diri sendiri... nda salahkan??? I bangga dengan pencapaian I selama ini... muahahaha...

Sama kah muka kami??? aku suka tu Dj Aliff ah... hihihi

"I was born to be like what I am right now. If u can't accept me... I'm sorry, I can't do anything... but I appreciate U"

Nah!!! Putri pun teruja dengan diri sendiri kan??? bangga beb hasil titik peluh sendiri di hargai...

Ohhhh nooo... zaty tenks kerana mengkagumi ku... keh3...

Zack & Aliff

Wah~~~ Zack & Putri pun iski begambar arah my 10 feet poster atu rupanya... =p

Feez Madea / Putri Norizah / Azeem / Zack

Azeem - u rawk man... funny & crazy haha

Zack yang buntak & Azeem yang tinggi and aku pun buntak mcm si Zack hehehe

Wahhh!!! poster si Azeem kah tuee... gilerrr ragat jua anak atu [mengampu]

Feez Madea & Aliff

Gang Aids council & Scout team wit us

And again... hihihi

[I wud like to say out my greatest tenks to all voters for voting me and sorry. Tenks jua to all my family / friends / supporters / readers dan semua lah, enjoy readin my blog ok... Thank you for believing in me... I try my best to do the best in future... Highest appreciation to all]

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